Important notice - 06 April 2013

All eosgarden activities have been closed forever, in order to focus on new projects.
The content of this website will stay as is, for archive purpose, but won't be updated anymore.
eosgarden software are still available for download, but are no longer maintained. Support is no longer available.

Legacy software

This software has been discontinued and is no longer maintained.
Latest Mac OS X versions are not supported.
WebStart Light is the easiest way to host a local website on your Mac.
It features a complete Apache 2 server, with PHP 5.3, and MySQL 5.1. It also include PHPMyAdmin, so you can easily manage your databases.
A pro version is also be available, featuring advanced features, a complete development environment, easy virtual host creation, etc.

PHP configuration

WebStart Light comes with PHP 5.3. You'll find below information about the available version:
PHP version: 5.3.5 Zend Memory Manager: BCMath: BZ2:
Calendar support: CURL: DOM/XML: EXIF:
FTP support: GD support: Freetype: JPEG support:
PNG support: GIF support: Iconv: JSON:
LibXML support: MBString support: MySQL / MySQLi: ODBC:
OpenSSL: PCRE support: PDO: Phar:
SimpleXML: SOAP: SPL: SQLite3:

Comparison with WebStart (pro version)

Feature WebStart Light WebStart
Apache 2
MySQL 5.1
GD 2
Unlimited number of virtual hosts
Integrated updater
DynDNS support
Easy website creation
Multiple PHP versions
Apache modules management interface
Automatic server startup
Built-in SSL support
Configuration file editing
Log file viewer
Image processing software
(ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick, etc.)
Full-featured development environment